
Visvamitra’s Pose

Visvamitra Pose benefits
image: Freepik. com

Meaning: In Sanskrit “Visvamitra” means Friend of all.

Yoga types: Ashtanga yoga.

Level: Advanced


  • Upper Back
  • Biceps and Triceps
  • Core (Abs)
  • Hamstrings
  • Hips
  • Quadriceps


  • the upper body, wrists, and legs

Asana includes various steps of Ashtanga yoga system:

  • yama – social precepts
  • niyama – personal practices of right living
  • pranayama – regulation of energy related to breathing
  • pratyahara – withdrawal of mental attachment to the objects of the senses
  • dharana – concentration upon an object
  • dhyana – meditative absorption into the essence of that object or idea
  • samadhi – a unity of Self with the Universe.

Injury awareness: This asana is physically demanding pose. Warm up your body before attempting this pose. Those who had hamstring, hip, shoulder or wrist injury should avoid this pose.

Visvamitrasana Mythology

This asana is dedicated to the Sage – Visvamitra.  Visvamitra is said to have been a friend of all.  He spent his life achieving Brahmarsi – a Brahmanical Sage after losing a battle over a female to Vasistha.

Visvamitra is one of the Seven Wise Ones, sons born-of-the-mind of Brahma.  He is part of the seven stars of the Great Bear and a major contributor to the Vedic hymns.  The hymns as they were passed down became stories later.  When they were being communicated to the Seven Wise Ones it is unclear whether they gave birth to the gods or were born of the gods – or both.  What was clear is that they were hidden in the non-existent before existence existed.  “And what was there in the nonexistent?  Before the object, there was an image.  A breath before there was flesh to animate.  Desire before there was a body.”*

“The secret of existence was implicit in just a few actions common to all:  walking, breathing, sleeping, coitus.  They saw the metaphysical in the physiological.”

The Essence Of Visvamitrasana

This pose seems very challenging in the begging. So you can break the pose down into simple bite-sized portions and work toward this beautiful pose. As you learn to practice this pose, you see that it is a combination of simple actions put together in a complex way.

Visvamitrasana is a balanced system. It expands your body fully in all directions. This pose calls upon us to think about direction.

First of all focus on the root chakra – Muladhara chakra. It represents your roots, evokes your past, and ties you to your lineage. Your focus can be specific, for example, what your experience today.

Allow your focus to go from your spine up toward Sahasrara chakra – the crown of your head. This chakra represents your consciousness.

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Benefits Of Visvamitrasana

While practicing this asana, you’ll also get planty of benefits:

  • Promotes awareness of the body working as a whole
  • Increases flexibility of both mind and body
  • Improves balance and mental focus
  • Improves core strength
  • Helps boost energy in the body

How To Do Visvamitrasana

1. Start asana in Warrior II with your right foot forward.

2. Spin your back heel down and place your right hand on the floor several inches to the right of your foot. Your fingers should face the front of your mat.

3. Now begin leaning your weight onto your hand and hug your elbow toward your body.

4. As you move more weight onto your bottom arm, straighten your elbow. To stabilize your shoulder, externally rotate your arm and draw your shoulder blade down your back. Take hold of your front foot with your left hand.

5. Press your front hand strongly into your mat and lift your front foot. Straighten your front leg as much as possible. Lift your hips and thoroughly engage your back leg.

6. Stay in the pose for a few breaths. Focus on the root chakra and go from your spine up toward Sahasrara chakra.

Source: pinterest . de account: @okiwilldo



Story of Visvamitrasana –

Visvamitrasana: Volume 1 of the Sage Series with Niki Vilella.

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